WhO in Sky??

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sista... I wan leave Malysia few days again!!

my dear dear sis ...
I wan to Singapore sOOn ler~
maybe few days until 1 week...
2molo i juz knw d schedule~
wan to d fully pressure place >>Singapore<<
really scare lol...

still remember 2 yrs ago~
I went to Sing. when 19st, nw 21st ad...
Sometimes really thx my boss let me more mature, give me knowledge...
Sometimes really afarid her, especially when she appear~
I will 心跳加速!

Ok lah~
by Sms contact lol!
knw d Mays at Sing, Cindy n Dvonne also wil to Sing soon~
feel more warm ler~ if not i thought Sing is COOL place in my mind de!
I will write down when d date I to Sing~

Then, we said wanna meet tis Sat at Molek/Tebrau de
Hope we can make it!!

p/s: Desmond suggest Sing-K oo...
I no opinion=agreed too~

C u LoL~ my handsome n pretty fren...

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